We welcome you to join us on Sundays at 10am for worship! 

Come as you are - in your Sunday best or your comfy sweats. The front doors (at the corner of NE 50th Street and 16th Ave NE) are open at 9:30am, as is the door off our parking lot at the north end of the building. (The doors along 16th Ave NE are not used for Sunday morning activities.) 

Worship lasts approximately one hour. Everything said and sung is printed in the church bulletin - and you can always ask someone nearby for assistance. We celebrate Communion every Sunday, and all are welcome at Christ’s Table - no matter where you are on your faith journey. 

Following worship, please join us for Coffee Fellowship in the lounge outside the sanctuary. 

Forum discussions are held in the chapel most Sundays, starting 20 minutes or so following the end of worship. (We all want to enjoy coffee fellowship!)

About ULC

University Lutheran Church is a progressive faith community located at the corner of 50th and 16th in Seattle's University District. We are a member of the Northwest Washington Synod and a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We worship every Sunday morning at 10am, both in person and online. Come join us!

Meet Pastor Andy

Pastor Andy joined us as our Pastor in the Fall of 2023. He is passionate about making known God's love for all people, especially the most vulnerable. Additionally, Pastor Andy is an agent for justice, both in the church and in the world. Prior to coming to ULC, Pastor Andy has served (in various capacities) congregations in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Maine, and Wisconsin. In addition to his congregational responsibilities, Pastor Andy serves on the board of Elizabeth Gregory Home.

Pastor Andy avidly listens to NPR, loves to cook/eat, is curious about history, and loves a good story. Pastor Andy is married to his husband, Justin, a massage therapist. They live in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle. 


  • Gia Alfieri

    Child-Care Coordinator

  • James Faley

    Brad Loving

    Audio Technician

  • Colin Ernst
